Get Postmodern English Media

The Postmodern English Project team will regularly make new transliterations of publicly available content that currently exists in standard English. By transliterations, we mean that we’ll take a piece of content, such as song lyrics, public documents, or movie subtitles, and covert their text into Postmodern text. Most of these transliterations are done with the help of our Transliteration Tool, which is available on the “Keyboards & More” page. Each transliteration will come zipped in the 7Zip format. Inside each 7Zip file, if applicable, will be both a txt file of the transliterated text, and a PDF containing the transliterated text. Check out what we have to offer- our library is growing quickly! If you would like for us to transliterate a piece of publicly available content that we haven’t done yet, please email us with your request at